Dive into the advanced learning process

The video showed three exercises, out of dozens. Let’s delve deeper into these exercises and the rationale behind them

About Us

There are computerized systems for training pilots, there are computerized systems for training AFV driving, there are computerized systems for small arms, artillery and missile fire training, and there are computerized systems for piloting UAVs. What proficiency does not have a computerized training system today?

About Us

Yossi Yarchi, Founder

served in an elite IDF unit, where he accumulated many kilometers in operational military land navigation. With over 20 years of experience in instructing orienteering to at-risk youth, where he learned in depth the complexity of learning land navigation and successfully developed a solution to this complexity. The result is Topo-GO, the computerized system for learning land navigation presented here.

Ariel Yohanan, CEO – LTC (res.)

in the IDF. Commander of the 101 Paratroop Battalion in the Second Lebanon War, past squadron commander in a Special Missions Unit and author of a text on Land Navigation and Spatial Orientation for the IDF Ground Forces. Founder and winner of the Chief of General Staff Prize for the “Back to the Future” Project, a special journey that allows IDF combat soldiers to process their experiences in operational service and prepare them for civilian life.

The Map and Compass in the Modern Battlefield